Origami for the Blind

Cake box

A simple box that resembles those the baker uses for your cakes.

With a slight variation you can make a lid.

A4, copy paper or preferably a bit heavier.


For this box a surface for folding is an advantage.

  1. Hold the paper with the short edges top and bottom.
  2. Move the lower edge to the top edge and pinch a small mark in the centre, and only there. Unfold.
  3. Fold the lower edge to the centre mark.
  4. Fold the top edge to the centre mark.
  5. The model is half of the original size, that is, A5, and it is positioned horizontally with the short edges to the left and the right. It has two layers. The front layer is divided into two, separated by a horizontal slit in the centre of the model.
  6. Fold the lower, short edge back to the folded edge at the bottom, and unfold.
  7. Fold the upper, short edge back to the folded edge at top top, and unfold.
  8. The two halves of the front layer are each divided into two by a horizontal valley crease line. In total you find 8 corners in the front layer. Four of which are in the folded edges at the top and the bottom and have two layers. The four others are by the slit, two at each end, and have one layer.
  9. Fold the eight corners in along the horizontal valley creases. The former, outer edges of the corners end up along the valley creases.
  10. The shape is a horizontal, elongated octagon. The front has 8 symmetrically in-folded corners.
  11. Fold the edges at the slit to the folded edges at the bottom and the top, respectively. Use the existing valley creases.
  12. The shape is still a horizontal octagon. The top and bottom quarters are each a stripe in several layers. They become the end pieces of the box. They have folded edges near the centre of the model.
  13. Grab the folded edges of the end pieces. Pull out and up so that they rise vertically.
  14. At the same time the side edges will rise. Mark their folds as a fold line connecting the corners of the end pieces.
  15. You now have a box without a lid. The four corners are a bit rounded. You can feel a vertical edge inside the corner layers.
  16. Mark creases along the vertical edges you can feel.
  17. The box is finished.


The lid is made in the same way as the bottom, also from A4. The only difference is that the ends are not folded to the centre, but about half a finger thickness from the centre mark.


Put some cakes in the box. Or use it for anything.